СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО топиари нескольких видов используются в качестве Лавром Нобилис | Кипарис и хвойные похожею | Buxus sempervirens | Taxus ягодный | jonandrum Ligustrum - Детская растения и цветы, реализациям парки и сады, Топиари, Pistoia, Toscana

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СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО топиари нескольких видов используются в качестве Лавром Нобилис | Кипарис и хвойные похожею | Buxus sempervirens | Taxus ягодный | jonandrum Ligustrum



Topiary, art created at the time of Ancient Rome between the XVI and XVIII century.

Prunings executed by experts with passion, which give rise to true art sculptures natural.
Real works of art that inspire your garden and make it unique, interesting games with perspective and a strong architectural impact and decorative.
A shrewd use of hedges, borders and vegetable sculptures can make the most of the spaces of the gardens and small footprint.

The Topiary
is employed in the formation of parterre, where low box hedges draw in a more or less complex areas filled by flowering plants, to form a kind of plant tapestry, especially if appreciable visible from an elevated place.


The topiary, in ancient greek word that indicated the rope with which they were associated plants, is the art of pruning hedges and the trees creating figures and special effects in order to give them a geometric shape, different from the course taken from the plant, for ornamental purposes.

In the garden you need to choose the evergreen suited to the characteristics of the soil:
where the soil is dry grow well yews and holly;
if the soil is heavy and wet, better privet, hawthorn and boxwood.
In full sunlight are ideal the cherry laurel, laurel and coniferous shade should be planted in boxwood, yew and privet.

Plants, used to create various vegetable sculptures, are grown at times with the appropriate metal supports to drive them towards the final form and require high maintenance due to the numerous interventions on new branches, to maintain the shape choice.
Vegetable sculptures are used to obtain several species, mostly evergreen contained growth: Laurus nobilis, Cupressus and conifers similar Buxus sempervirens, Taxus baccata, Ligustrum jonandrum are among the most popular.

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